Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rocket Man

Life as a five and a half month old is kind of busy. Let me give you a run down of my day so far. 

7:00 am Wake up and play with daddy
8:00 am Wake mommy up and eat a couple of spoonfuls or rice
9:00 am Some sit up playing time
9:30 am Took my morning nap
11:00 am Wake up, drink some milk and get 
to playing again
12:00 pm Eat a whole jar of bananas 
12:15 pm Spit up some bananas (so I could taste them again)
12:30 pm Play on my rocket
12:45 pm take some time out of my busy schedule to write a blog
oj ˚ x  dx vv vfg vjjkj  1a

Here's what the rest of the day looks like
1:00 pm Take a nap soon
1:30 pm Play on the floor
2:00 pm Play in my jumper
2:20 pm Off to work I go 
5:00 pm Dinner time
5:30 pm Maybe I'll take a nap
7:30 pm Start the bed time routine


Mo said...

I like Oakley. I'm glad we got to play! I can't believe he is already taking steps! A little Brady already.